Jawwad, 2 years old
Playgroups & parent led learning programme
I cannot thank you enough. Jawwad has improved so much in terms of attention and engagement. He tries his best to focus and remain calm rather than getting frustrated like before. We are really satisfied. I no longer need to physically make him realize that I am talking to him, he listens amazingly. He is even communicating with my sister on skype...he never paid attention to video calls before.

Ethan, 6 years old
Learning programme for 2 years
My son has been receiving tuition with All Hands Together for 12 + months now and has made so much progress. He has seen a couple of different tutors through All Hands Together during this period, and all have been lovely, with different specialities. I would definitely recommends All Hands Together to anyone looking for extra help with their child's learning.

Toby, 7 years old
Early intervention &
learning programme
All Hands Together has given my son very solid support in his academics. We have been with AHT for about 3 years and they have worked wonderfully with his school and Occupational Therapist. My son loves his teacher Kalysiah and he always looks forward to "teacher Yaso's school" as he calls the AHT center. They make the lessons fun and engaging, always working around his interests.

Sandra, 12 years old
Parent led learning programme for 4 years
Before we started with AHT, my daughter wouldn't allow me to tutor her or play with her. The programme provides good bonding between the parent and child and makes learning more enjoyable. I highly recommend AHT to parents who have children with different needs because the tools used by AHT help them learn by seeing, feeling , and experiencing the lessons.