The Art of Healing

I’ve been reading a book by psychologist Tomas Navarro called Kintsugi. Derived from the Japanese phrase ‘Kintsukuroi’ meaning “to repair with gold“ it refers to the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer. It is the understanding that a piece of broken pottery is more beautiful for having been broken.
Tomas believes that we should approach our lives with the same philosophy and I couldn’t agree more with that statement. In our busy lives, we are bound to face adversities and it may affect us emotionally and physically. However, it is crucial that we find a way to accept the challenge and overcome it. It may be hard to repair our wounds in an instant or have a quick fix on hand. Nevertheless, there is always a solution to a problem and we will triumph over it one day. It does take time but do give yourself plenty of time to heal. It is important that we recognize our failures and it is ok to fall or go through hardships. In turn, use these failures and hardships as lessons and a form of strength in the future.
In this book, Navarro presents real solution to genuine problems that he has seen in his professional practice. I could relate to most of the issues he addresses. It has helped me re-evaluate how I perceive things. Experiencing misfortune or losing anything may cause chaos and affect an individual’s self-esteem and even the purpose in life but this book is able to direct or act as a guide to transform adversity or setbacks into strength. His psychological understanding and perspective will leave you feeling assured and ready to take the next step forward.
I was fortunate enough to be gifted this book by a dear friend and I really hold dearly onto it. I do encourage everyone to pick this book up even if you are not facing any problems. You could share with people around you and help them realize their worth. In these current times where we all find ourselves in unusual and often difficult circumstances, there is never a better time to practice the art of healing both for yourself and another - you never know when you can be the lifeline for the person you reach out to.
“Spreading love and kindness is never a waste of time.”