Stuck on learning?

Have you ever been stuck with an activity and you just could not get past a certain level with your child? I have been there numerous times and I used to get frustrated over it.
Then I discovered Howard Gardner while studying and it all made sense. He explains in his theory of multiple intelligences that each child is unique and that they accommodate new information in various ways.
Bodily Kinesthetic
Learns through movement activities such as jumping on number mats, jumping on sight words, etc.
Learns through music such as tempo, rhythm and coordination. We can integrate academics into music for example, when they are counting they can bang on the drums.
Visual spatial
Able to estimate space, visualize accurately and able to recreate the aspects of their visual experiences. They are good at remembering images, faces and details so activities such as creating buildings with recycled materials would be ideal.
Children with high interpersonal skills are able to communicate and interact effectively with others. By giving them situations that allow them to work with others, they will be motivated and consequently they will thrive in that environment.
Children with intrapersonal skills have a high level of self-awareness and are driven by their personal goals, beliefs, motivations and their emotions. Project based activities would be ideal for them.
Logical mathematical
Children who have high logical- mathematical intelligence are skilled at deductive reasoning, patterns and logical thinking. There are also good at understanding complex and abstract ideas. Activities such as science experiments and ones that require problem solving would stir their curiosity and engage them.
The ability to analyse information and solve problems using language-based reasoning. Encourage children with this intelligence to do presentations e.g. show and tell, write down their thoughts and teachers to create a print rich environment.
Children who are naturalistic love to be outdoors as they get to interact with the natural surroundings. They explore and learn about animals and plants. Teachers can develop lessons or activities outdoor that can enhance their learning.
Equipped with this knowledge, we can now cater to our individual child’s learning needs and enhance their learning. I have always put this theory into practice as I develop lesson plans for my students and it has helped decrease the anxiety and frustrations for both the student and teacher. As children feel confident in what they are doing, learning will take place naturally and effectively.