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Persist and persevere.....

Read about how our school administrator found the strength to remain string in her darkest hours..
Persist and persevere!

I will never forget the date 28 December 2020. It was the day I received one of the most depressing pieces of news I had heard in my entire life. This is the day when I was informed that my role was made redundant, one of the changes after the agency’s global merger with another business. I had a month to serve as the notice period. I felt that my world had shattered. I was very anxious. I was the sole family provider, my brother was going back for good, given the pandemic situation and given the government’s restrictions I was certain that it would not be easy to find a new job.

For more than four months, my emotions were like a rollercoaster ride. There were sleepless and weeping nights, nights full of hope whenever I talk to our Creator, to a family member, relative or friend and frightened nights when I thought of the uncertainties ahead.

The photo above was sent to me by my ex-boss along with a message for my farewell virtual card. These words struck me hard and I vowed never to give up. With the support of the people who genuinely cared I plowed on until 1 May 2021 when finally, all the hard work resulted in a miracle.

Fast forward to today, the Lord has a purpose for me to stay and work here in Singapore. I am blessed to be working at All Hands Together and doing so much good. Truly blessed, I learnt that when you continue to pray to God and believe in yourself, you will make it no matter what obstacles come along the way.



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