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Confessions of a Teacher.....
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Random Acts of Kindness
Monday 17th of February was Random Act of Kindness Day and we talked to our kids about kindness and empathy and also ran a kindness challeng

Marching to an inclusive beat...
Our words are powerful so use them to empower people of all abilities not to segregate.  We can always do more.....

What happens if.....
Some simple tips on how to complete the process of teaching lifeskill to our kids.

You are precious! You are loved! You are not alone!
Yesterday, 10th October, was World Mental Health Day. This Day was first observed in 1992 as the initiative of the World Federation for...

Who needs words?
What is communication? Do we need words to communicate? And is it even enough?

What is this word.....inclusive?
What do we mean when we say inclusive? Don't we all need to feel included?

When I thought I knew better.....
When I first met little Kelly*, she was insecure, terrified and anxious of strangers. She needed constant coaxing and reassurance from an...

Simply play? Why not?
Most of our children go from class to therapy on a daily basis. The question remain through, when do our children get to be children? Let th

DIY Festive Camp
Christmas is over and there’s still over a week of holidays to go. We're sure the kids are getting restless. Check out our "DIY Festive...

Just another form of language....
"If we hadn't a voice or a tongue, and wanted to express things to one another, wouldn't we try to make signs by moving our hands, head,...
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